Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Doctor's Office

Ok so Liem is officially 6 months old! Yay! Well because of this Liem must go to his 6 month baby appointment. So yesterday, we went. Let me tell you, I used to get mad when I had to wait at my OB appointments, but I kind of understood because he was in a big city with LOTS of patients, but yesterday took the cake. Liem's appointment was at 10:00 am. Me, being paranoid about being late all the time, I left and got there at like 9:45. So... We got there and I checked in. So we waited, and watched 5 sets of people come check in, go back, whatever. And we waited, and we waited...till 10:45! Seriously, I know that doesn't seem long but with a 6 month old, way too long. My appointment was at 10, and I showed up on time. THATS THE POINT OF AN APPOINTMENT! So ok, we went back. And of course we got asked a couple question then waited AGAIN for the Student doctor and finally she came back. She asked me a whole bunch of questions and DIDN'T tell me why or what I should be doing. Thats your job. To teach me the proper things my son should be eating, how much and what to be doing to keep him healthy! But NO, you just shot me dirty looks and gave me remark instead of telling me anything of use. I was so upset. So then, I had to wait again for the actual doctor to come and she gave me some snotty remarks about the juice I have been giving him. I haven't even given him that much juice. I water it down ALOT so yeah jerk lady! I was like come on, don't be rude, tell me what I should be doing. Anywho, then I WAITED AGAIN for a nurse to come and give Liem his shots, and she just did it all quicklike and Liem was not happy. So what time did I finally leave? 12! 12 o clock. I got there at 9:45 and left at Noon! Not to mention that Liem had run out of juice by then so he was freaking out. So I have switched pediatricians. I called this morning and got a new one and cancelled our appointments, and the lady asked when I would like to reschedule, and I said, I would not like to, she asked why and I told her I was unhappy with my appointment there and I don't want to come back. So I guess they told the doctor and she called me today to ask what went wrong and everything and I told her. That place is way too unorganized and I felt uncomfortable there. Sam pays good money for our awesome insurance, and if we get to go wherever we want that accepts it we are going to find an office that knows what they are doing and we don't get pushed aside. Ahh. Vent complete.

Moving on, I am starting my new job waitressing tonight which I have NEVER done! I am so excited because I mean I have waitressed, but not as a sole job. I had to when I was a manager. I am a little scared but also mostly excited. I have always wanted to be a waitress, especially at this nice of a restaurant. I get to socialize and meet new people. Fun stuff. Well I am off!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Aunt Christine stops by!

Welcome Aunt Christine to Liem's blog!!

Liem's First Tooth and Sickness

So Liem has officially in the time between this blog and the last one had a couple of firsts. One is his first tooth is coming in! It is the front one, and the one next to it is coming in just a little behind that one. This means he has been spitting a lot! I think I am going to have to keep a bib on him 24/7 because the spit is just so abundant. He has also had and is just now getting over his first cold. Because he is so small I can't do anything about it but I did get a vaporizer, even though he could take medicine I wanted to make him comfy. I also had to lift the head of his mattress a little so his head was elevated, which ended up just making him roll down the bed...lol. He is still sitting up and having fun doing that. He is so good at sitting now, that I swear one of these times he is just going to crawl away! But I want that to take a while hopefully. I mean I want him to crawl because I can tell he wants to, but then I have more to worry about. For now he can just bounce in his jumperoo and have fun with that!

So lets see what else has happened? Halloween, play group and a birthday party! Oh and I have officially turned 21. Play Group is a new thing we are getting into. There is this family connection place and I take him every week to play with other kids. He can't do much yet, but I get to see him play with new toys and I am meeting other moms. Its refreshing and when he does crawl it will be good because he can just run around there and have plenty of kids and things to play with. Right now he doesn't have many toys, just things. Like the swing, jumperoo and playmat, other than that he has about 2 toys. But this is all ok because Christmas is coming up, which of course he doesn't realize is going to be spoil central for him! So at play group Wednesday there was a Halloween Party, which I think he was a little overwhelmed with. There were a lot of kids dressed funny and I think he just wanted to stay with me. But on Halloween he wore his Bat costume and looked adorable. He didn't go trick or treating because well, he doesn't eat candy, but we did get 4 trick or treaters! Then yesterday we went to a birthday party for a little girl we met at play group. I feel better that we are socializing. I want to meet more people and have a little network here. I think I am doing ok. I think next week I am going to go out and see if I can find a bartending job maybe. That would be fun. If anyone lets me do it! Well yeah birthday party! This little girl is so cute. Her name is Eliza and she even gave Liem kisses! We let Liem try some of the frosting and ice cream cake to see if he liked it, but he isn't supposed to have cows milk till after he is one, but we figured a tiny bit wouldn't hurt. He was surprised by the coldness of the ice cream! It was cute. I wish I would have bought my camera.

Well heres just a little pics for you all...