Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Life as a Stay at Home Mom

So my life is now in a pattern. We have a schedule for dinners, we know what time Sam needs to leave ad about what time he comes home. I love it. I feel like I am a real mom and a real wife. I make dinner for Sam when he gets home, I take care of Liem all day. Its pretty awesome. I still haven't found a job, which I would love because I could work, and because I would meet people and get out of the house, but if not, then hey, this is fine. I have decided that I want to kind of form a schedule for the day, so that Liem sleeps at certain times and that way he sleeps well at night. He is asleep right now, and he has been for about 2 hours. He is such a sleeper, and I can't help but let him be becuase he is so cute!

So speaking of Liem, like I always am, we made his first appointment at the pediatrician here. I am excited. I want to see how much he weighs, and what his doctor is like. This could potentially be Liem's doctor for a long time, and our next child's doctor.

This is all I have for now...

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